Compulsory Secondary Education

Welcome to Compulsory Secondary Education at Platero Green School. The information is structured as follows:


Compulsory Secondary Education methodology is structured in different flaps. Click on the one you want to read and it will be unfolded and click again to close it.

The main features of this cycle are:

From 12 until 16 years old.

Teachers decide the placement and disposal of desks and chairs according to the task which will be carried out in class. As a general rule the following disposal is used:

  • Individually.
  • In pairs.
  • Small groups.
  • And big group.

The students will change places from time to time, so that all of the students can interact and know each other through the stage.

In this stage class time is structured as follows:

  • Going into school and say hello.
  • Have their things ready to start working.
  • Teacher’s explanation about what is going to be carried out during the lesson.
  • Activities checking.
  • Explanation.
  • Questions.

We also focus on a number of routines which we consider a necessary for a successful development of the teaching - learning process.

  • Clean and tidy classroom.
  • To hang up schoolbags.
  • To respect speaking times.
  • Etc.

The classrooms have got the following audiovisual devices which are used as another resource to teach the contents of the school subjects:     

  • Projector.
  • Computer.
  • Interactive Whiteboard.
  • Speakers.
  • Internet access.

In addition, the school has got ICT-Rooms where students can work online contents in pairs.

We start from the idea that academic performance is not only built in the classroom, but also outside it, in daily life and through the different tasks and reommended homework. However, we are clear about it is necessary that such a proposal develop fundamentally competencies, that is, to put the knowledge in action and to be useful for life and not only for school. In this way, as in all the educational activity, a close collaboration and proximity between teachers, students and family is indispensable.

Responding to our reflection on the tasks and homework, as well as the opinion of the entire educational community that helps us to grow through their contributions, the proposal for this school year will include the following characteristics:


  • We will build on meaningful experiences, research and experiments.
  • Multidisciplinary tasks will be carried out, as far as possible..
  • Students will be given an explanatory card for guidance.


  • Will be exclusively in the areas of Language, Mathematics and Foreign Languages.
  • The students will be asked for the equivalent of a weekly file with the main content treated, so that it serves as a review for students and follow-up for families.

Finally, we will take into account the importance of the following aspects:

  • Personal study: The students will receive advice to schedule the time needed for the study.
  • It is essential to leave enough time for the practice of creative writing and ludic reading. Language teachers will provide strategies for their development.
    Always, above all, the specific treatment of each student comes first, to attend to their personal needs in a professional manner.

Each unit taught in each Secundary Education subject will be evaluated with a numerical mark (0-10) taking into account:

  • Knowledge: it evaluates the achievement level of skills in each subject.
  • Work: it evaluates daily work and the students’ effort in class as well as at home.
  • Attitude: it evaluates the degree of interest, the achievement of values and the student’s autonomy.

All our students are periodically evaluated of those contents that they have been working. These contents are usually connected to one or two units of their text books. Before this assessment some lessons are used to revise class work.

Exam dates are distributed so that the different subjects are not evaluated on the same day.

In order to focus on the students themselves, determining what they know (know-what), what they can do with what they know (know-how) and their attitude towards what they know (know to be), our assessment spins around the application contexts, which are the activities, tasks, projects ... where students demonstrate the mastery of the learning that they are acquiring, thus developing abilities and competential skills.

Each subject is assessed with a numerical score (0-10) based on the valuations extracted from the different application contexts through of scoring rubrics.

The educational community knows, through the Annual Center Plan and the WEB, the different contexts that are contemplated in the final assessment of each subject.

In our timetable there is one tutoring session and class meeting once a week. Business of the day is suggested and we develop the items to deal with where we solve questions, conflicts, etc., (thirty minutes). Worksheets included in a workbook made by teachers who belong to the School Values Project are also used.

Class meetings are lessons in which the student is the main character where we deal with very different topics like:

  • Creating and revising the school rules.
  • Weekly planning.
  • Conflict management and resolution.
  • Suggestions.
  • Voting for proposals
  • Congratulations.
  • Etc.

Teacher will only participate in the class meetings, if necessary. Students will organize the different responsibilities in the class meeting and will carry it out. Apart from these resources which are working during the week, we deal with any problems daily by means of the tutor if necessary.

At the beginning of the school year one or two students are chosen to care for cleanness and tidiness of the class, as well as the plants which have been assigned. Each term new members are chosen in the class meeting so that all of the students can participate of these responsibilities. Cleanness and tidiness habits are worked and once a week each student will clean his or her desk and school material.

In each classroom as well as in the playground there are recycling bins. From the first day the students are aware of the need to classify the rubbish into the three bins (yellow, green and blue).

In order to keep a clean environment and a healthy atmosphere in the classroom a properly organization of the different spaces will take a great importance. All students know where the different school materials are.

During the break time it is the teachers of this stage those who watch out the different areas. A Sporty Break Program has been organized to allow the students enjoy each day from a different game or sport.

The school trips are sequenced according to the projects which are carried out in class. Each trip is connected to topics that are taught through the different units. In full day trips students must bring their own breakfast as a general rule. Those students who have signed up the school lunch will have it at lunchtime.

Before each trip a circular letter is sent so that families can authorise their children and can write any useful comments. The trip cost will appear on this letter and will be collected by each tutor during the school timetable. It is really important for a good organization that both payment and delivery periods are respected.

The last trip is the school camp / study school trip and there is a previous meeting where all the information is explained and we can answer any questions about it.

At the beginning of the school year during the class meeting the following school representatives are chosen in a democratic way by means of votes.

  • Student representative.
  • The school representative substitute.

These representatives are chosen each term. Therefore the voting process will be repeated at the beginning of each term. We also have parents’ representatives that are chosen at the beginning of the year and they help with the communication task, activities planning and proposals by all of the other families.

Teachers of this Cycle


Miguel Ángel Andrés Reyes(Coordinator)


María Gómez Hernández (Coordinator)


Javier Cascales Vega


Begoña Gil de los Ríos


Elena Fernández Sánchez


Miguel Ángel Hinojosa Granados


Salud Morilla Lepe


Belén Navarro González


Anabel Rengel López


Inmaculada Rodríguez Almansa


Irene Vera Trujillo


Francisco Alcántara Montiel


José Luis Pérez Zambrana


Cristina Arevalo Alameda


Antonio García Solera


Alfonso de los Reyes Méndez

School Trips

Course Date Activity
ESO Septiembre Playa
1º ESO Octubre Torcal
2º ESO Oct.-Nov. Cementerio Inglés
3º ESO Octubre Festival de Cine Francés
4º ESO Noviembre Mates en la calle
4º ESO Diciembre Leadingirls (Palacio de Congresos)
1º y 2º ESO Diciembre Visita Residencias
3º y 4º ESO Diciembre Salida al centro de Málaga
1º ESO Marzo Historia y Arqueología experimental
2º ESO Marzo Caminito del Rey
3º ESO Marzo Visita a cultivos ecológicos y parque eólico
4º ESO Febrero Día de Andalucía
4º ESO Marzo Olimpiadas El Palo
4º ESO Marzo Jornadas orientación El Palo
4º ESO Marzo Visita al Campus de Teatinos
1º ESO Mayo Botánico y Presa El Limonero
2º y 3º ESO Abril Alhambra
3º ESO Mayo Geometría en la calle
4º ESO Mayo Paseo literario
4º ESO Mayo Salida FyQ UMA
4º ESO Mayo Visita a CIFAL UNITAR
1º, 2º y 3º ESO Junio Acampada
4º ESO Junio VFC

Textbooks Course 2024/2025

1st Compulsory Secundary Education
Subjects Books Title Publishing House
Educación Física Educación Física Andalucía. Anaya
Lengua Lengua y Literatura 1 (Operación Mundo). Anaya
Música Música 1. Anaya
Inglés Synchronize for Andalusia 2. Oxford
Plástica Educación plástica, visual y audiovisual. Revuela. S.M.
Francés En situation. Édition Andalousie 1. Santillana F.
Biología y Geología Biología y Geología. Construyendo mundos. Santillana G.
Geografía e Historia Geografía e Historia. Construyendo mundos. Santillana G.
Matemáticas Matemáticas. Construyendo mundos. Santillana G.
2nd Compulsory Secundary Education
Subjects Books Title Publishing House
Educación Física Educació Física Andalucía. Anaya
Física y Química Física y Química. Operación mundo. Anaya
Lengua Lengua y Literatura 2 (Operación mundo). Anaya
Música Música 2. Anaya
Inglés Synchronize for Andalusia 3. Oxford
Francés En situation. Édition Andalousie 2. Santillana F.
Geografía e Historia Geografía e Historia. Construyendo mundos. Santillana G.
Matemáticas Matemáticas. Construyendo mundos. Santillana G.
Valores Éticos Educación en valores cívicos y éticos. Santillana G.
3rd Compulsory Secundary Education
Subjects Books Title Publishing House
Educación Física Educación Física 3 Anaya
Física y Química Física y Química. Operación mundo. Anaya
Lengua Lengua y Literatura 3 (Operación mundo). Anaya
Inglés Synchronize for Andalusia 4. Oxford
Francés En situation. Édition Andalousie 3. Santillana F.
Biología y Geología Biología y Geología. Construyendo mundos. Santillana G.
Geografía e Historia Geografía e Historia. Construyendo mundos. Santillana G.
Matemáticas Aplicadas Matemáticas. Construyendo mundos. Santillana G.
4th Compulsory Secundary Education: A Section
Subjects Books Title Publishing House
Física y Química Física y Química - 4° E.S.O Andalucía Anaya
Lengua Lengua y Literatura 4º ESO. Anaya. Suma piezas. Andalucía. Anaya
Matemáticas Matemáticas orientadas a las enseñanzas académicas 3. Suma piezas Anaya
Francés Francés 4º ESO Expérience Nouvelle. Oxford
Inglés Dynamic. For Andalusia. Student´s Book 4º ESO Oxford
Biología y Geología Biología y Geología 4º ESO Observa Santillana
Historia Historia 4º ESO. Serie Descubre. Andalucía Santillana
Valores Éticos 4 ESO Valores éticos Andalucía ED 21 Santillana
4th Compulsory Secundary Education: B Section (Sciences)
Subjects Books Title Publishing House
Lengua Lengua y Literatura 4º ESO. Anaya. Suma piezas. Andalucía. Anaya
Matemáticas Matemáticas orientadas a las enseñanzas académicas 3. Suma piezas Anaya
Francés Francés 4º ESO Expérience Nouvelle. Oxford
Inglés Dynamic. For Andalusia. Student´s Book 4º ESO Oxford
Biología y Geología Biología y Geología 4º ESO Observa Santillana
Economía Economía 4º ESO Santillana
Historia Historia 4º ESO. Serie Descubre. Andalucía Santillana
Valores Éticos 4 ESO Valores éticos Andalucía ED 21 Santillana

Platero's 45th Anniversary

The Management Team and the Rector's Council would like to welcome you to this very special school year, in which we are celebrating the 45th anniversary of our school. This year gives us the opportunity to reflect on our history and to look to the future with renewed commitment.

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Educational Model

Platero Green School (Málaga) is a state-funded private Education Centre recognized by the Department of Education of the Andalusian Government, focused on providing holistic education based on the development of competencies, values formation, and environmental awareness.

Education is about preparing people to be conscious, responsible citizens capable of transforming the world. With an innovative approach, solid values and a deep environmental awareness, we educate students who will not only learn, but also act with their hearts and minds set on the common good..

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