Bienvenidos a Platero

Welcome to Platero Green School

The Management Team and the Rector's Council would like to welcome you to this very special school year, in which we are celebrating the 45th anniversary of our school. This year gives us the opportunity to reflect on our history and to look to the future with renewed commitment.

Our goals for this year focus on the promotion of our identity. In particular, on our three fundamental principles: the development of competencies, so that our students acquire the skills and knowledge necessary in today's world; education in values, promoting respect, solidarity and equality; and environmental awareness, fostering sustainability and respect for our environment.

We are committed to providing quality, integral and purposeful education. We are deeply grateful to you for being part of this story and we are convinced that, together, we will continue to build a future full of opportunities and achievements. Happy anniversary and welcome to the new school year!

Platero present


El alumnado de Secundaria ha inaugurado en este trimestre los torneos de fútbol sala y baloncesto en los recreos deportivos, organizados dentro del proyecto "Agentes de cambio". La competición incluye liga y fase eliminatoria, con emocionantes partidos y sorpresas en los resultados.

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Platero Green School presenta: Platero School Musical. Nos complace anunciar que el alumnado de 4º de ESO de Platero Green School se ha embarcado en un emocionante proyecto teatral: una versión del clásico High School Musical.

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Compartimos las últimas novedades en este curso escolar sobre el Proyecto Erasmus + en nuestro centro.

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Come and meet us! School Open Day 2025

Platero's 45th Anniversary

The Management Team and the Rector's Council would like to welcome you to this very special school year, in which we are celebrating the 45th anniversary of our school. This year gives us the opportunity to reflect on our history and to look to the future with renewed commitment.

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Educational Model

Platero Green School (Málaga) is a state-funded private Education Centre recognized by the Department of Education of the Andalusian Government, focused on providing holistic education based on the development of competencies, values formation, and environmental awareness.

Education is about preparing people to be conscious, responsible citizens capable of transforming the world. With an innovative approach, solid values and a deep environmental awareness, we educate students who will not only learn, but also act with their hearts and minds set on the common good..

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