Bienvenidos a Platero

Welcome to Platero Green School

The Management Team and the Rector's Council would like to welcome you to this very special school year, in which we are celebrating the 45th anniversary of our school. This year gives us the opportunity to reflect on our history and to look to the future with renewed commitment.

Our goals for this year focus on the promotion of our identity. In particular, on our three fundamental principles: the development of competencies, so that our students acquire the skills and knowledge necessary in today's world; education in values, promoting respect, solidarity and equality; and environmental awareness, fostering sustainability and respect for our environment.

We are committed to providing quality, integral and purposeful education. We are deeply grateful to you for being part of this story and we are convinced that, together, we will continue to build a future full of opportunities and achievements. Happy anniversary and welcome to the new school year!

Platero present


Os informamos de que las clases darán comienzo el próximo martes 10 de septiembre para Ed. Infantil y Ed. Primaria y el lunes 16 de septiembre para Ed. Secundaria. A continuación os adjuntamos la Circular Informativa de Inicio de Curso [+].

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El martes 10 de septiembre comenzará en el Centro el servicio de AULA MATINAL, disponible para todo el alumnado que necesite entrar o permanecer en el Colegio fuera del horario establecido. Toda la información está disponible en el apartado de Servicios de nuestra página web y se contrata mediante el formulario correspondiente en el apartado de Contratación Servicios.

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Os informamos de que la organización del alumnado en su grupo-clase se realizará en función de los criterios que se establecen en nuestro Plan de Centro, y será el Equipo Pedagógico del Colegio el responsable de dicha decisión.

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¡Conócenos! Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas 2024.

UMA experiment - Movil Free -

Platero Green School, in collaboration with the University of Malaga, participates in a pioneering project at European level, in which the aim is to distinguish the different sources of information used by teenagers, as well as to know where they can go to obtain reliable sources.

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Educational Model

Platero Green School (Málaga) is a private school funded by the Ministry of Education in the regional government of Andalucía (Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía), that backs  a quality education underpinned by values training, knowledge education, innovation and new technologies.

Our educational model shows our intention to train people able to develop their social and occupational aspirations with a solid basis and a deep human sense.

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