Fathers and Mothers Association: Zenobia Camprubí

The Fathers and Mothers Association (Zenobia Camprubí) is made up by fathers and mothers at Platero Green School with the aim of collaborating and taking part in everything that we have rights legally and living within our means. We agree on objectives and join forces in order to get a better quality in education for our students. From this association we want that this Cycle is full of enriching experiences, achievements and success for everyone. We hope you will join us. For this reason, we offer you the e-mail address of the Fathers and Mothers Association as well as the link to Facebook. We will try to update our online contents so that you can get some daily information that we hope may be interesting and useful to you.

We count on you to grow up by walking on this big educational project. We request your participation and ideas for creating an educational community for our children’s benefit.

Platero - Quiénes somos

Fathers and Mothers Association Board

These are the members of our Fathers and Mothers Association Board (Zenobia Camprubí):

  • President:Miriam Cecilia Castillo Gómez.
  • Vice-President: Ana Belén Tineo Esteban.
  • Treasurer: Mª Elena Castillo Arnedo.
  • Secretary: Sonia Rodríguez Ramos.
  • Board Members:
    • Carolina Cotrino Heras.
    • Fernando Delgado Acevedo.
    • Soledad García de Soria Gómez.
    • Mireia García Aviléso.
    • Jaime Pino Talabán.
    • Raquel Sánchez de Pedro Crespo.
Contact: Cecilia Castillo Gómez.
E-mail address: ampa@colegioplatero.es

Objectives for he next school years

  1. To help fathers, mothers and teacher tutors on everything which deals with the education of their children. Sharing, communicating and giving different educational resources which make easier an integral constructive training by means of our contact details.
  2. To collaborate in the school educational activities.
  3. To encourage the participation of fathers, mothers and teacher tutors on the school management, according to the school regulations. Working together with the School by means of the parents representatives
  4. To encourage all those activities connected to the integral formation of the students and the development of democratic uses and habits of their personality, including them in our project and “co-educating in families”.
  5. To encourage activities connected to the training of fathers, mothers and teacher tutors and being part of the educational process: communication and offering workshops, meetings, etc.

UMA experiment - Movil Free -

Platero Green School, in collaboration with the University of Malaga, participates in a pioneering project at European level, in which the aim is to distinguish the different sources of information used by teenagers, as well as to know where they can go to obtain reliable sources.

¡Watch on Youtube! »

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Educational Model

Platero Green School (Málaga) is a private school funded by the Ministry of Education in the regional government of Andalucía (Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía), that backs  a quality education underpinned by values training, knowledge education, innovation and new technologies.

Our educational model shows our intention to train people able to develop their social and occupational aspirations with a solid basis and a deep human sense.

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