Key Dates

The most important reason of Platero Green School is to prepare students for being good citizens, that the children know and understand the culture of society in which they live and that they get involved in keeping and enriching it, everything by means of encouraging the development of the necessary skills to take part in it actively and therefore live a worthy and full life.

To include the celebration of special days at Platero Green School is linked to the achievement of this purpose. They are a cross-curricular and formative resources since they are linked to multiple educational aspects: civic education, ethical education, intercultural education, as well as the training in values such as solidarity, empathy, commitment, respect, etc.

Now, we will show you the special days that we are going to celebrate along the 2020/2021 school year.


Day of Languages - Halloween

We have chosen this celebration for the Day of Languages, because we think that it is a representative and motivating festivity that does that students catches better the learnings. Not only it is going to be a different, playful and festive day, but at the same time educational since, on the occasion of this celebration, we will seize the opportunity to extend knowledge on Anglo-Saxon customs and, certainly, to know and / or to extend vocabulary related to this theme.

Celebration: November

Constitution Day

We celebrate this day because it is always necessary to deepen on the knowledge of our “Law of Laws” which establishes the rights and liberties of all the citizens and which determines the territorial and functional structure of the State and its Institutions, being one of the most essential bases of the coexistence among all the Spanish people. By means of wall charts, speeches, conferences and group work our students understand that the knowledge of the current reality and our most recent past is a necessary way to understand better each other and to make come true the principles of liberty, equality and justice on which is settled our Social and Democratic State of Right, as it is pointed out on the first article of the Constitution.

Celebration: December

International Day of Peace a Non-Violence

We belong to the Planet Earth in which all our behaviours have an effect on other people. Wealth is not properly shared. This day we remember with songs, speeches and role-plays that we want to do our bit so that everyone can have a worthy life and to eliminate violent and war behaviours of unscrupulous people.

Celebration: January

Carnival Day

Carnival is a traditional and popular festivity from a very long time ago. This celebration is a great moment to work the education of values by means of role-plays. Make up and disguises are inspiring elements for children and an ideal means to show reality through symbolical games. Reusing materials to make the disguises or using the imagination in the lyrics of songs and texts stimulates the creativity of students. Music is used as a means of reclaiming and pretending everyday situations, it is also a way of increasing the sense of humour. All this allows that teachers, students and families enjoy this day with happiness.

Celebration: February

Andalusia Day

The celebration of this day has the aim of showing and promoting the Andalusian culture as part of our heritage, in all possible aspects like gastronomy, literature, costumes, art and other displays which give identity to our culture and our autonomous region

Celebration: February

Coeducation Day

The 8th of March, International Day of Women, has become a very marked date to think about the long way that women have gone over to see their rights recognised and visualise their part in all of the different aspects of life, of culture, of art, of science... Big achievements have been reached in the way to equality, but it is necessary to go on improving. For this reason, this day, at school we set up different activities, so that our students are aware of the importance of promoting an efficient equality between men and women.

Celebration: March

Former Students Party

As we are getting older we remember on different occasions those teachers from who we learnt important things and from those students we spend great experiences with. With this celebration we intend to find a place in which we can meet each other and it will let us share a very special moment.

Celebration: March

World Book Day

The objective of the Book Day is not only to pay a worldwide homage to the book and all of the authors, but to increase reading in our students, so that they can find out the pleasure of reading and how to protect and recognise the contribution of writers to the social and cultural progress.

Celebration: April

Maths Day

With the celebration of this day we intend to show the students the continuous presence of Maths in daily life and to show the importance of the scientific and technological development, trying to wipe out the image of abstract and distant science from the reality that a lot of people have.

Celebration: May

Environment Day

We celebrate this day as a colophon of the work done, along the school year, by the whole educational community to promote the respect to the environment. Across different dynamics, workshops and projects the students are encouraged to become active agents of sustainable development.

Celebration: June

End of School Year Party

The End of School Year Party is for our students the climax of all the activities which have been significant in daily task: Dances, exhibitions, shows… They are an important part of this activity which has among other aims to help the student of the Secondary Education to finance economically their End of School Year Trip.

Celebration: June


It is the official ceremony which closes the school stage of the students of the 4th year of Secondary Education and which is a means of acknowledgement for the students who have completed their academic requirements of the Secondary Education and who are, therefore, worthy of an official requirement of their effort.

Celebration: June

UMA experiment - Movil Free -

Platero Green School, in collaboration with the University of Malaga, participates in a pioneering project at European level, in which the aim is to distinguish the different sources of information used by teenagers, as well as to know where they can go to obtain reliable sources.

¡Watch on Youtube! »

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Educational Model

Platero Green School (Málaga) is a private school funded by the Ministry of Education in the regional government of Andalucía (Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía), that backs  a quality education underpinned by values training, knowledge education, innovation and new technologies.

Our educational model shows our intention to train people able to develop their social and occupational aspirations with a solid basis and a deep human sense.

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