Application Forms

Below, we have provided links to the application forms where you can sign up for, and/or modify all the school services we have on offer. All administrative actions will be carried out, exclusively, by filling out these forms..


  • Please remember that, as stated in the regulations, all application forms will be processed for the following month as long as the forms are submitted before the 25th of the month. Fixed fee services will include a discount which will be applied, by way of loyalty incentive, to those families who sign up to school lunches for the whole year. Once a subscription is cancelled, the aforementioned discount will not be applicable when signing up to the same service within the school year and will be subject to availability.
  • Fixed fee services contracted with Platero School will be paid at the beginning of the month and sporadic fees at the beginning of the following month. In both cases, payment will be between the 1st and 5th of the month. Rejected bank payments will be paid in Administration carrying a surcharge of 0.70€.
  • In the event of disagreements between the legal guardians of students subscribed to services regarding payments, the parent/legal guardian who submitted the application form will be responsible for the costs.
  • Should families run up debts with the school, their children will be automatically excluded from the service until the debt is satisfied. If, after payment, they want to reenrol they can do so provided that there is availability.
  • When requesting a service at short notice (less than 24 school hours) the school must be contacted by telephone (952 29 11 48) so that this information can be taken into account. Nevertheless, the application form must be completed, regardless.
  • The application forms are processed in chronological order, according to the exact time and date of receipt in the system.
  • The same form will be used for subscription, to unsubscribe and/or modification. When a modification made implies the cancelation of an activity (swopping after-school activities), the form will have to be filled in twice, once to unsubscribe form the activity and another to subscribe to the new activity.

Should you have any queries you can contact our Administration department (952 29 11 49) or, preferably, send a us an email:

Service subscription
Service Subscribe/unsubscribe
School lunches Access
School transport Access
Morning club/ Play club Access
After-school activities Access
After-school activities school open day  
June services Coming soon

Platero's 45th Anniversary

The Management Team and the Rector's Council would like to welcome you to this very special school year, in which we are celebrating the 45th anniversary of our school. This year gives us the opportunity to reflect on our history and to look to the future with renewed commitment.

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Educational Model

Platero Green School (Málaga) is a state-funded private Education Centre recognized by the Department of Education of the Andalusian Government, focused on providing holistic education based on the development of competencies, values formation, and environmental awareness.

Education is about preparing people to be conscious, responsible citizens capable of transforming the world. With an innovative approach, solid values and a deep environmental awareness, we educate students who will not only learn, but also act with their hearts and minds set on the common good..

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